Monday, December 10, 2007

The Accidental Christmas Video

When reviewing the pictures on my digital camera I came across this hilarious video, which comes with a story...

Poor Mom... Technology can get the best of us... After the last song of Abby's Christmas program, as seen in a previous post, they kept the preschooler tidal wave on the risers for just a minute to allow parents to take pictures. I wasn't about to get into that friendly mob of parents, antsy siblings and cameras, so my mom volunteered to brave the masses to get some choice pics of Abby. I hastily handed her my camera like a batton in a relay race as Mom dashed into the mob seeking that special, Kodak moment. She came back a couple minutes later claiming she got some decent shots of Ab. I took my camera and crammed it into my back pocket as we made a beeline for the back entrance, and I quickly forgot about looking at those choice pics.

Well, when I was going to download my pictures, I noticed that I had several videos, which struck me as odd. I only remembered myself taking one... As I reviewed the goofy videos, it dawned on me: Mom's choice pics! Apparently in my haste, I had left the camera in movie mode, and poor Mom dashed off and accidentally took choice video of the backs of heads, pews and lots of parents' - ah hem - "lower extremities"! Oh well. At least we got the funny video, a view of the choice pic at the end and a lovely serenade of We Wish You a Merry Christmas by dear Mom. :)

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