Thursday, January 17, 2008

Top 10 Ways to Tell You Have Small Children

10. You refer to needing to use the restroom as "having to go potty".
9. You feel you have accomplished great things that day if you get a shower.
8. Your house looks more like a toy store.
7. You clap when someone goes number 2...
6. The contents of your purse could feed 10 children.
5. The new minivan that someone down the street got looks strangely appealing.
4. Every time you leave the house it looks like you are moving.
3. You do enough laundry a week to clothe a small army.
2. Your alarm clock calls you Mommy.
1. You can hold a baby, prepare a bottle, make a lunch, dress a child and talk on the phone - all at the same time.

Go here if you need a laugh, especially if you are a mom...

1 comment:

Kim and Eric said...

I love Anita Renfroe! She is HILARIOUS!!!! I guess I should start practicing all the words in her song...but I bet they will all come out on their own naturally. Kim