Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Four WORST Words for a Mom to Hear

Okay... They are probably not the worst - but they come close.

"Mom, my head itches."

Mom, my head itches. Those four words will go down in infamy in the Crook house, and it comes down to one word: lice. (It gives me the shakes to even type it.) Oh, poor Abby. And what luck for the kid with the most hair ON THE PLANET (and her mommy). What 5-year-old wants to sit still for SIX hours while her mother looks at every single, stinking strand God gave her? (I think I am going to add lice to my list of other assorted creepy crawlies I am going to ask God why He created...)

When we first discoved it (or them - GAG!), I immediately looked up on the web how to treat them naturally (of course). WHY IN THE WORLD DO THEY PUT A PICTURE ON EVERY WEBSITE!?!? GAG, PUKE, GAG! Anyway, I digress... So, the first night Abby and I spent the night with our heads soaked in olive oil and tea tree oil and wrapped in plastic wrap. Yup, we both smelled like a bad salad. (BTW, I didn't get them, but I was SO FREAKED out that I slept in the stuff anyway and kept bugging - no pun intended - Keith to look at my head.) Let's just say that this "problem" is hard to remedy. We have tried all kinds of things, including - embarrassing to say - dying Abby's hair. (Crystal Brown by Feria for anyone who likes the color... :)) I took my poor baby into Walgreens to pick out a close color. At first she wanted to be a blonde... Mommy said NO. :)

Abby has been a real trooper . I have questioned every head scratch, and she has had her head looked at more than should be allowed by law. (Even typing this makes me itch...) We even had to "quarantine"all her webkinz in trash bags - poor girl. (She is counting down the days for them to come out and play.)

Alas, we tried to make light of the situation by taking some funny pictures of her hair while it was processing. (Don't worry: no bugs.) This has definitely been an experience... I now am an expert on the life cycle and habits of a disgusting little critter (certainly not planned - ugh), so if you encounter them, you know who to call.

Off to grab the olive oil... just in case...


Mike and Suzi :) said...

I can't imagine how my mother felt when her twin girls both came home with them! I must say...that is one of the worst experiences ever...and a reason I don't teach little kids.

Katie said...

When I was younger, I got lice and I remember my mom having to quarantine all my stuffed animals into trash bags for a month. She also washed and blowed dry the manes and tails of all my My Little Pony dolls (and I had a ton!)

At school it is inevitable that we have at least one lice outbreak. Last year a little girl came up and hugged me, and when I complemented her hair (which was done up in cute braids), she said, "Thanks! My mom fixed it like this 'cause I have lice!"

M & M said...

those pictures would be adorable if it weren't for the complete tragedy that goes along with them!!!